September 7, 1993 IBM/SNA BROCHURE - V4.0 Transitioning in the '90s Corporate information systems are in transition. Business is growing more competitive, rewarding those organizations nimble and flexible enough to respond to shifting market directions. As a result, large, centralized, networks - typified by the IBM Systems Network Architecture (SNA) - are shifting more and more to a distributed approach employing local area networks (LANs). This shift from less-flexible mainframes to networked desktop workstations is not without its challenges. Businesses have made significant investments in their existing legacy systems, and the thought of abandoning that investment is untenable. The challenge is to implement a distributed architecture that preserves the legacy network while integrating the best networking solutions available. All of this requires a vendor with an array of safe and reliable technology solutions and strategies. The SynOptics Solution SynOptics Communications, the world's leading provider of hub-based IBM- compatible Token Ring solutions, offers such a strategy. SynOptics delivers the network fabric that allows organizations to build scalable enterprise-wide networks to support their data communications needs within the context of their existing SNA infrastructure. Built with intelligent hubs that link computers and provide common integrated network management, the network fabric provides a flexible means of supporting reliable networking in the three key applications environments: facilities networks, remote offices and the network center. For the IBM/SNA environment, the network fabric represents a solid foundation for building distributed LAN environments. It seamlessly merges LAN technology into the legacy system - while preserving the SNA investment. Whether you follow the IBM networking blueprint, move towards an alternative open systems environment, or adopt a combination of both, SynOptics can help you get there from here. It's a well-conceived strategy for establishing a network that combines the best of both worlds. And it's a scalable solution, so you can make the transition at your own pace - maintaining total control over your changing environment. It's a safe - and smart - choice. Only from the market leader. The Evolving IBM/SNA Environment With more than 50,000 networks connecting over 8 million users, SNA remains the primary solution for large IBM environments. Unfortunately, this architecture wasn't designed for the local area networks (LANs) that are becoming a common element in today's rapidly-changing business world. Advances in desktop applications such as electronic mail, word processing and spread sheets have driven a need for new networking solutions. The current trend is towards implementing less centralized, less hierarchical environments using departmental-based resources such as file servers throughout the network. This places less emphasis on mainframe- centric architectures and more on distributed computing - changing the way network resources are accessed and used. In a client/server environment, SNA devices connected to the LAN become "peers" to other resources on the network, capable of communicating with any other end node regardless of access method, networking protocol or physical location. This peer- networking concept represents the architecture that IBM will ultimately embody in its scheme to support distributed LANs: Advanced Peer-to-Peer Networking, or APPN. Integrating LANs into the SNA Environment Agile and nimble, LANs deliver the flexibility to selectively deploy capabilities and solutions that meet local user requirements. Each network segment can be tailored to provide the precise capabilities required by the group. And LANs offer sophisticated, standards-based management, delivering enhanced control over the entire network. The advent of PC-based applications, coupled with an industry trend towards "rightsizing" - a cost-savings effort to offload large-scale network systems to desktop workstations - have made the client/server architecture an attractive complement to the SNA environment. As a result, a number of SNA networks are starting to add LAN technology to their existing legacy networks. The end result - an integrated system supporting multiple protocols and powerful management capabilities - provides a hybrid solution that satisfies the organization's ultimate business goals. The Great Divide The affiliation between centralized, traditional IBM networks and distributed multi- protocol LANs poses an interesting challenge to IS managers responsible for implementing an integration strategy. From a business perspective, most organizations won't sacrifice their existing network in favor of a new one. The legacy system represents a tremendous investment - not only in terms of equipment, but also in time and training. It's a trusted, predictable environment that has been developed and refined over years to fill a specific set of needs. What's required is a strategic approach that retains the best qualities of the existing SNA architecture - such as predictable service levels - while introducing the ease-of- use advantages of distributed LANs. The result is a fully integrated network that combines the reliability of mainframe-based systems with the flexibility of distributed computing while avoiding the need to build parallel networks. The SynOptics Path to Network Integration SynOptics offers a complete SNA/LAN strategy that lets you integrate the LAN capabilities you want, when you want them - at your own pace. SynOptics offers a range of IBM-compatible solutions that seamlessly merge with your SNA network, allowing you to integrate industry-leading LAN solutions into your legacy system. SynOptics' scalable approach lets you add LAN functionality incrementally, so your evolution can take place as quickly - or as slowly - as you like. And through cooperative efforts with IBM and other leading vendors, SynOptics has developed solutions that transparently blend the SNA and LAN worlds - creating a single, cohesive networking system. It's a complete solution that considers every possible option. Whether you build upon the existing mainframe-centric SNA platform or migrate towards a more open environment, SynOptics can help you get there safely and securely. Legacy Networks and LANs SynOptics reduces the complexity of adding LAN functionality to your SNA network. Through a variety of IBM-compatible connectivity, internetworking and management solutions, SynOptics provides seamless integration for everything from small workgroups to extended enterprise networks. Network Environments SNA networks can be divided into three basic application environments: remote or branch offices; facilities or departmental networks housed in a building or campus; and the network center, where servers and mainframes traditionally reside. All three segments are typically connected in a hierarchical arrangement, allowing data to flow to and from the central mainframe. SynOptics offers a host of solutions that address the needs of each specific environment, as well as the overall enterprise. You can start small, maintaining complete control over the integration process. And SynOptics' scalable, hub-based architecture lets you add to each environment as requirements dictate. Branch Solutions Remote offices demand stand-alone solutions that meet local requirements. And SynOptics delivers with a complete and cost-effective method for starting and expanding small networks. The LattisRing(tm) family of workgroup hubs deliver simple, plug-and- play Token Ring connectivity for linking desktop computers and shared peripherals in the branch office or smadepartment. Offering IEEE 802.5 compatibility and featuring active per- port retiming technology co-developed with IBM, the LattisRing hubs offer a scalable solution for supporting from 16 to 80 host connections - meeting the needs of smaller environments. And LattisRing operates over your existing media, whether it's shielded twisted pair IBM cabling or unshielded twisted pair telephone wire - eliminating the expense of adding a new cabling system. Integrated Management For autonomous branch offices, where trained on-site networking personnel are non- existent, centralized management - the ability to monitor and control remote sites from a single console - becomes essential. And SynOptics provides a complete branch office management solution that utilizes the existing SNA architecture, delivering a maximum return on your existing network investment. LattisRing stackable hubs come preconfigured with integrated Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) capabilities, allowing you to monitor and control network activity with precision. Locally, the Lattis EZ-View(tm) management application offers a simple, graphics-based solution that lets you observe network performance down to the port level - delivering complete troubleshootiand automated fault resolution capabilities. For centralized management, SynOptics has a solution that allows you to manage remote Token Ring networks from the existing SNA network data center using NetView or an SNMP-based management station like the IBM NetView/6000. SynOptics' SNA gateway solution converts an OS/2-based desktop computer into a gateway capable of transmitting SNMP data over existing SNA Synchronous Data Link Control (SDLC) wide-area links. The information can be sent to a central IBM management station, where network managers have full access to SynOptics' sophisticated graphics-based management solutions. By encapsulating SNMP for transmission over SNA networks, the SynOptics gateway offers a reliable, predictable internetworking and management solution that leverages existing investments in costly leased serial lines. The need to install a parallel network is eliminated - while the benefit of centrally managing your remote LANs is maintained. Tailored Solutions SynOptics offers reliable, compatible solutions for SNA branch offices and remote sites. The LattisRing hubs deliver IBM-compatible Token Ring connectivity for introducing distributed LANs to the existing SNA environment. And SynOptics' SNA gateway solution lets you send SynOptics-generated SNMP management data over your existing SDLC serial lines. It's a safe way to start your migration from hierarchical environments to peer-to-peer LAN-based networks - while preserving the investment in your existing network infrastructure. Department Solutions For more complex facilities or departmental networks, SynOptics offers a flexible solution for adding LAN technology to the SNA environment. Modular Platform SynOptics' System 3000(tm) offers a moar platform for building custom networks designed for your specific needs. Individual modules supporting 4- and 16-megabit-per- second Token Ring can be installed in System 3000 intelligent hubs to link IBM workstations, servers and cluster controllers on a common system. And for SNA networks in transition, SDLC-to- LLC2 conversion capabilities via the Model 3800 Multi- media Router will give you the flexibility to support both SDLC and Token Ring connectivity from a common hub platform. For SNA networks moving towards an open systems environment, the System 3000 also supports Ethernet and FDDI connectivity - simultaneously. It's an integrated solution for implementing multiple access methods within your SNA network. The System 3000 supports multiple protocols, adding diversity to your legacy network. And complete IBM compatibility means you can link the hubs directly to your existing equipment - and support peer-to-peer communications within the SNA architecture. Linking Departmental Sites In a distributed environment, connectivity between departmental locations is essential. SynOptics' Token Ring internetworking products make that possible. SynOptics' integrated local Token Ring bridge supports high- performance interconnections between Token Ring networks. Installed in a System 3000 hub alongside Token Ring host modules, the bridge allows you to establish backbone access to centralized resources such as file servers and IBM hosts - creating a true client/server network. A stand-alone version of the bridge is also available for the non-modular LattisRing hubs. The bridges supports the IEEE 802.5 Source Route Transparent (SRT) standard, combining IBM's source routing algorithm with the transparent bridging commonly employed by other protocols. The standard allows both source-routed and non-source- routed data to be supported - providing complete end-to-end connectivity for both IBM and non-IBM traffic. Complete Management For departmental networks, SynOptics offers a complete management solution that extends the Optivity(tm) network management system to a variety of management platforms - including IBM's NetView/6000, Hewlett-Packard's OpenView and Sun Microsystems' SunNet Manager. Optivity is SynOps' premier network management application for managing the key building blocks of the network fabric- intelligent hubs, routers, bridges and end- systems - as a cohesive unit. IBM's NetView/6000 provides comprehensive, centralized management functions for multivendor environments. The new Optivity for NetView/6000 application represents a comprehensive LAN management solution, providing key physical-layer management capabilities to the existing management system. Optivity for NetView/6000 addresses a critical issue for SNA environments migrating to client/server LANs: preserving existing investments by leveraging the infrastructure already in place. It's an integrated solution that offers a familiar platform for managing the SynOptics environment, seamlessly merging physical-layer information with upper- layer data. You maintain complete control of the entire network - from a single management console. Enterprise Solutions While client/server computing is designed to reduce demands on the central mainframe, distributed LANs still need access to the network center. SynOptics' SNA strategy delivers that access with a flexible solution that merges the best of both worlds. Connecting the Enterprise System 3000 hubs installed in the network center offer a flexible platform for connecting all departmental networks and branch offices on a common system. As you migrate towards a fully integrated SNA/LAN environment, you may need to connect disparate networks. SynOptics' Model 3800 integrated multiprotocol routing solution makes that possible. The router offers a number of high-performance solutions for merging the SNA and LAN environments. For networks following the IBM networking blueprint, the router's SDLC-to-LLC2 conversion capabilities support a smooth integration of SNA and Token Ring LANs. The router can also transport SNA traffic across multiprotocol internetworks, connect existing IBM SDLC controllers and front-end processors, and establish backbone networks for connecting enterprise IBM hosts. For the open systems environment, the router supports a fully- integrated, seamless transition to multiprotocol networks. Simultaneously supporting any combination of Token Ring, Ethernet, FDDI or wide-area network connections, the router allows you to build high-speed backbones between diverse network segments. Or you can establish a collapsed backbone to bring all links back to the network center for enhanced control. As for the future, SynOptics will continue to develop IBM- compatible solutions for merging distributed LANs into the SNA environment. For existing legacy networks incorporating LAN technology, SynOptics delivers a safe and smooth transition - both today and in the future. Automated Management The enterprise network is difficult to manage and control - especially if it's in transition. A combination of SynOptics solutions - including Optivity for NetView/6000, the Network Control Engine(tm) and LattisWare(tm) Solutions software t can help automate the process while seamlessly integrating SNMP management with the existing SNA environment. Optivity for NetView/6000 delivers specific fault, performance and configuration data for monitoring activity and diagnosing problems anywhere on the network. Seated at a central management station in the network center, you can obtain detailed statistics from individual ports on the network - giving you unparalleled control over the entire system. In particularly complex environments, the Network Control Engine can help reduce the amount of data converging on central management resources. The NCE(tm) - a modular processor installed in System 3000 hubs at strategic locations throughout the network - collects and analyzes management nformation collected within its domain. Only critical information is forwarded to the management station, ensuring that everything you see is truly important. To further automate enterprise management, SynOptics has developed extensions of two LattisWare Solutions for the SNA environment. LattisWare Solutions are a family of software tools designed to simplify and automate routine and time-consuming management tasks. The two applications - RouterMan(tm) and PathMan(tm) - provide detailed infor for precise network management and control. RouterMan allows network managers to see, in a graphical format, the status, configuration and overall health of any selected router on the network. And PathMan offers the unique ability to actually trace the path of a data packet through the network, graphically displaying each component on the route and their current status. It's a focused solution for tracking specific problems - and it's the only one of its kind. Comprehensive Solutions With Optivity for NetView/6000, the NCE and the LattisWare Solutions, SynOptics delivers all the management functionality required for your enterprise SNA/LAN integration project, giving you complete control over your evolving network. SynOptics: Safe Choice, Smart Solution If you're transitioning your SNA network from a host-centric environment to one that places more emphasis on networks, SynOptics has a comprehensive strategy that addresses all of your concerns. SynOptics' LAN integration strategy for SNA networks is a complete and well- conceived approach that meets your every need. Modular, scalable, standards-based solutions let you add what you want, when you want it. Seamless integration between SynOptics and IBM management solutions give you complete network control. And SynOptics' commitment to preserving your network infrastructure means you don't sacrifice any of your existing investments - making SynOptics a cost-effective solution. Complete Business Solutions SynOptics' superiority in the IBM arena is well documented. By offering the best solutions available today, SynOptics has earned the position as the world's leading supplier of hub-based IBM-compatible Token Ring solutions. SynOptics understands the issues you're facing. And SynOptics is committed to consistently delivering leading- edge solutions that address your specific needs. Our support of the IBM/SNA architecture, as well as other alternatives such as the Novell environment, means you'll never be locked into any single solution. You have the flexibility to evolve your network in the direction you choose. Service and Support To ensure your distributed LANs are implemented to your precise specifications, SynOptics also offers a comprehensive service and support program for your network. In the U.S., the LattisSupport(tm) program is designed to maximize your network's efficiency by providing just the right level of assistance - before, during and after the sale. Choosing from a menu of installationaintenance and consulting services, you - working with SynOptics - can build a support program that addresses your specific needs. Outside the U.S., you have access to a wide range of service and support options available through local resellers. And no matter where your company is, our strategic alliances with dedicated systems integrators - including IBM - means you're working with professionals who understand your network and where you're taking it. The Obvious Choice When you're integrating LANs into your network, it makes sense to go with the market leader. And since its inception in 1985, SynOptics has been a pioneer in the local area networking and intelligent hub fields, developing and delivering reliable and proven solutions that address today's requirements while anticipating your future needs. For more information about SynOptics solutions for the IBM/SNA environment, call toll-free (800) PRO-NTWK. It's the safe choice - and a smart solution. BR505-816US-A